We are encouraging families to not put themselves under pressure at this time and to complete what is right for their child and their family circumstance.
Mr Arthur will not be asking for any work to be handed in for marking but if your child wants to make contact with him or show him work they have completed then they can by emailing: sycamore.class.2020@hotmail.com
What will school look like in June for those returning? Look at the power point to see some of the changes and follow the link on the last page to our YouTube Social Distancing video!
Week 12. WC 1st June 2020
Home learning websites and resources list
- English lesson 1
- English lesson 2
- English lesson 3
- English lesson 4
- English lesson 5
- Foundation lesson 1 worksheet
- Foundation lesson 2 worksheet
- Foundation lesson 3 worksheet
- Foundation Lessons 1-4
- Maths lesson 1
- Maths lesson 2
- Maths lesson 3
- Maths Lesson 4
- Maths lesson 5
Week 13. WC 8th June 2020
Hampshire Schools Games June – July Challenge
We have got a brand new challenge for this term!
Below is the document that explains all of next week’s challenges (beginning 8th June).
If you complete a challenge send your results through to Mr Allen.
Mr Allen’s tutorial video:
Link coming soon
Exciting news, there is a new activity where you can design your own activity and send it into school. See below for the details. The deadline for this activity it 19th June.
Good luck!
Week 14. WC 15th June 2020
- English Lessons
- Zone of Relevance
- The 1000 year old Boy
- Maths
- Foundation Lesson 1
- Foundation Lesson 2
- Electricity information 1
- Foundation Lesson 3
- Electricity information 2
Hampshire Schools Game
Here’s your activities for this week (WB 15th June)
Below is the YouTube clip for this week.
Keep it up and let me know your scores!
Week 15. WC 22nd June 2020
- English Lessons
- The 1000 year old Boy
- Vocab Challenge
- Maths
- Foundation Lesson information
- Foundation Lesson 1
- Foundation Lesson 2
- Foundation Lesson 3
Hampshire Schools Game
Last week was out best week! Well done.
Here’s your activities for this week (WB 22nd June)
Below is the YouTube clip for this week.
Keep it up and let me know your scores!
Week 16. WC 29th June 2020
- English Lessons
- The 1000 year old Boy
- Pallet of words
- Newspaper plan
- Newspaper template
- Newspapers checklist
- Maths
- Foundation Lesson
Hampshire Schools Game
Last week was out best week! Well done.
Here’s your activities for this week (WB 29th June)
Below is the YouTube clip for this week.
Keep it up and let me know your scores.
Making Music