
Structure and Responsibilities

Nursling Church of England Primary School is a voluntary controlled school operating within an Instrument of Government authorised by Hampshire County Council in conjunction with a the foundation body of  Winchester Diocesan Board of Education.

The Governing Body of the school conforms to Standing Orders and each governor is required to comply with a Code of Conduct which includes declaring relevant business and pecuniary interests.

All governors (excepting the Head-teacher and the Vicar of the Parish) are appointed for a 4 year term of office which may be renewed. The four parent governors are elected by parents of children currently attending the school; the local authority governor is appointed by Hampshire County Council; the three foundation governors are appointed by the foundation body; the staff governor is elected by employed members of staff; and four co-opted governors that are appointed by the Governing Body to ensure a balance of skills, knowledge and experience is maintained.

The Governing Body for the academic year (2023/24) is:

Name Appointing Body Current term of office
Mrs Jacqueline Barker (Chair and Safeguarding) Governing Body 22/05/2021 to 21/05/2025
Mr David Cubbon Governing Body 18/07/2024 to 17/07/2028
Mrs Joanne Jearrad (Headteacher) ex-officio 01/09/2017
Rev Graeme Dixon ex-officio (Foundation) 01/09/2019
Mr Ewan Brown Foundation Body 19/10/2023 to 18/10/2027
VACANCY Foundation Body  
Mr Steve Duncan Parent 20/07/2021 to 19/07/2025
VACANCY Parent  
Mrs Vicky Dixon Parent 01/07/2021 to 30/06/2025
Mrs Claire Davies (Training Liaison) Parent 24/11/2022 to 23/11/2026
Vacancy LA  
Mr Jonathan Howells (SEND and Pupil Premium) Governing Body 15/10/2018 to 14/10/2022
Mr Simon Arthur Governing Body 18/07/2023 to 17/07/2027
Mrs Lindsay Manning Clerk  

Historic Governors (within last 12 months):

Chris Slater Governing Body 18/09/2017 to 06/06/2024
Caitlin Boyd-Smith Governing Body in the absence of applications from parents 19/10/2023 to 15/03/2024

Nursling C of E Primary School – Register of Governor Interests – 2024/25

The substantive Committees and membership for 2024/25 are:

Environmental & Resource Committee: Steve Duncan (Chair), Vicky Dixon, Simon Arthur  & Joanne Jearrad

Standards & Progress Committee: Claire Davies (Chair), Jackie Barker, Jonathan Howells (Vice-Chair),  David Cubbon & Joanne Jearrad

Foundation Committee: Graeme Dixon (Chair), Ewan Brown, Jonathan Howells, VACANCY & Joanne Jearrad

In addition to the above committees the following committees and panels convene as and when business requires:

Pay and HR Committee: Vicky Dixon (Chair),Claire Davies & Simon Arthur

Pay Appeals: Pool of non-staff governors

Headteacher’s Performance Review Panel: To be confirmed

Discipline and Dismissals Committee: Pool of non-staff governors

Pupil Disciplinary: Pool of non-staff governors

Register of Attendance Full Governing Body 2023/24

Register of Attendance Environment and Resources Committee 2023/24

Register of Attendance Standards and Progress Committee 2023/24

Register of Attendance Foundation Committee 2023/24

Meet the Governors

In partnership with the school staff and yourselves, school governors have a shared responsibility for providing your children with the best education we can in terms of skills, knowledge, values and relationships. This school year, we have a number of newly appointed governors and we are delighted to introduce ourselves to you. So what do the governors do? But, first, what exactly do the governors do, and what is the make-up of the Governing Body? The most important thing to understand is that governors are not involved in the day to day management of the school. This is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and senior school leaders. Rather, our function is to concentrate on matters relating to strategy, finance and school improvement. Specifically, our job as governors is to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Hold the Head Teacher and senior school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that its money is well spent.

The membership of the Governing Body is based on a ‘stakeholder’ model of governance with five categories of governors, each with a particular stake in the school. As presently constituted, the governing body consists of:

  • Four parent governors, elected by the wider parent body
  • One local authority (Hampshire County Council)-nominated governor
  • One staff governor, elected by school staff.
  • The Head Teacher
  • Four co-opted governors drawn from the local community and appointed on the basis of relevant skills and experience
  • Three foundation governors appointed by the Winchester Diocesan Board of Education. Nursling is a Church of England School and the Church is represented on the Governing Body by this category of governors. They have the same responsibilities as all the other governors but, in addition, are responsible for making sure that Christian values underpin the life and work of the school and that RE is taught according to the agreed syllabus.

The Clerk to Governors is Lindsay Manning

Governor profiles

Parent governors  

image010   Vicky Dixon joined the Governing Board in July 2017 as a parent governor. Vicky is also the Development and Training Governor. Her eldest daughter has now left Nursling School, and her youngest daughter is a current pupil. Vicky is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant in a Hampshire secondary school. Previously Vicky worked as a registered nurse, and specialised in supporting children, families and young people.

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Steve Duncan joined as a parent governor in 2021. He works for a national company as a Lead Software Engineer, as such has experience in Information Technology as well as managing people and risks. As a governor, he is particularly interested in digital literacy, including being knowledgeable, safeguarding, and critically assessing content in an increasingly digital world.

Claire Davies joined the Governing Body in November 2022 as a parent governor. Claire previously worked in Financial Services and brings her experience in leadership, strategic change management, people management and governance. Claire has a daughter at the school and is currently enjoying a career break.

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Local authority governor

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Co-opted governors

image006 Jackie Barker was appointed to the Governing Body in May 2017. She is Director of Finance at a secondary school academy on the edge of the New Forest, and has expertise in all aspects of school administration and management.  Jackie is chair of the Pay and Human Resources sub-committee and the school’s safeguarding governor.

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Jonathan Howells  joined the Governing Body in February 2019 as a Co-Opted Governor.Recently retired as a Headteacher of a Special School, Jonathan hopes he can support the Governing Body in relation to leadership and management, school vision and strategic planning.With a passion for children and their overall holistic success and with a particular interest in pupils with Special Educational Needs, Jonathan is delighted to lead on SEND, Pupil Premium, Health and Safety and to be Vice Chair of the Standards and Performance Committee.

Foundation governors

Rev Graeme Dixon became a Foundation Governor when he became Vicar of Nursling and Rownhams churches in 2019. He has worked in pharmaceuticals and the health care sector before training for the ministry.

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Governor Application Form

Application form for becoming a school Governor. For parent governors completed forms must be brought into school when you are notified of a vacancy.

Role of governor March 2022

Governor Application form (word)

Governor Application form (pdf)