Being a Church School

Terms of Union and Trust Deed
The Terms of Union with the National Society sets out the expectation that the school will, ‘serve its community by providing education of the highest standards… and encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experience it offers all its pupils.’

Please click on the link below to see our Terms of Union

The clerk of the Governing body can provide an electronic copy of the school trust deed and a brief history of the school.

Nursling Christian Values

At Nursling Church of England Primary School we are committed to our three values of Love, Hope and Courage.

Our values help form our curriculum and collective worship. They are part of everything we do as a school family and as part of our wider community.

Our values

Nursling Award for Values and Etiquette (NAVE)

In the Summer Term, a child from each class will receive a NAVE Award. These children are presented with an award because they live each and every day showing our school values.

Service to Others Award (Pat Wootten Shield)

Pat Wootten used to be a School Governor here at Nursling. When she stood down, she presented the school with a shield to be presented to a Year 6 child each year who consistently shows good service to others.

Committed to our Values

Collective Worship

We join together as a whole school in Collective Worship every day. It is a valued and special part to our day that supports the children and the adults in our school’s spiritual journey. We believe that Collective Worship should not be just one voice, but an opportunity for all adults and children to share our vision and values.

Collective Worship may be in the form of:                                   

  • Whole School
  • Singing
  • Family Group
  • Child-Led
  • Celebration
  • Class

We always

  • light candles
  • are invited to join in with a prayer (sometimes we write our own prayers)
  • sing / listen to music
  • talk to each other and share ideas
  • reflect on the things that we do and the things that we say
  • read stories and books making multi-cultural links   Books we have read in Collective Worship in Autumn Term 2023

Our Collective Worship Overview for 2023 2024

Collective Worship Autumn Term Overview 2023-2024

Collective Worship Overview Spring Term 2023 2024

If you want to know what we are focusing on every week in Collective Worship, please read the school’s weekly newsletter that goes out every Friday to all our parents!

Picture News


Links to the Church

As a Church of England School, we have strong links with both St Boniface Church in Nursling and St John’s Church in Rownhams; otherwise known as ‘Twinspires!’

Every Friday we are joined by Ewan from our local church. He leads a Christian Union for our children to attend at lunchtime if they choose to. We have separate KS1 and KS2 groups for inclusivity. A typical Christian Union involves games, Bible stories and acting out the story. It gives our children a wonderful extra opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a fun and interactive way.


At different times of the year we walk up to St John’s Church to have a special service. Year 6 have a leavers day at St Boniface Church. Click on the links below to see our most recent events at church.



Please click on the link below for some help in supporting good mental health from a Christian perspective…

We use the spiritual space at different times of the year. It is somewhere for the children to go to reflect, be peaceful and find friendship.


November 2023, the whole school became creative and made poppies to put into the Spiritual Space ready for our Child Led Remembrance Service.


Click on the link below to see the prayers we say during the school day.


As a Church of England Primary School we receive a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection through our Diocese every five years. An Inspector visits for the day to evaluate and grade specific areas that are linked to our school’s evaluation and development plan as follows:

  • How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church School?
  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
  • How effective is the religious education?
  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?

It also checks that the school meets the statutory requirements for collective acts of worship and RE.

Nursling was last inspected on 25 March 2024 and the inspection findings indicate that Nursling Church of England VC Primary School is living up to its
foundation as a Church school. . Please click on the report below for more details…

Final SIAMS Report Nursling VC Primary School 250324

SIAMS Summary SEF 2023 2024 (1)