School Meals


Our school caterers are award-winning caterers, managed by Hampshire County Council Education Catering, formerly known as HC3S. Visit the pages on their website for their menus and other information. News | Hampshire County Council ( can also keep up-to-date, by following them on social media.  Facebook: @hc3seducation Twitter: @hc3s6

Education Catering (formerly known as HC3S) prepare a healthy mid-day meal on site where children are offered two choices daily.  They can provide special diets for pupils with allergies and intolerances who want to have a school meal. Special diets are provided for pupils with a medical problem, not just a dislike of certain food. We will require medical evidence confirming your child’s allergy.

All children within Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal at the current time (these are called Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)).

For those children in Key Stage 2, the present cost of a school meal is £3.20 per day. This can be paid using our secure on-line payment system (ScoPay)

Children may, if parents prefer, bring packed lunches.  Please do not include sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks.

A healthy snack of fruit is allowed at break times but sweets and drinks are not allowed.

Income Related Free School Meals

Free school meals are available in certain circumstances. Please click here to check your eligibility. If your child is in Key Stage 1 or Reception, we would encourage you to check your eligibility as the school receives additional funding for individual pupils who qualify. As a school we can then use this money to support your child including help with payment of school residentials. More information is available from school office.